Dr. Yousef Ghandour, DPT, MOMT, FAAOMPT has been practicing as a Physical Therapist for over 40 years. Yousef graduated in 1985 and pursued his Masters of Orthopedic Manual Therapy (MOMT) in 1991, from the Ola Grimsby Institute in San Diego, CA. Completed additional two years part II residency program and became a fellow in the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (FAAOMPT – FF0011) in 1994. He received his Associate Fellow status from Scoliosis Research Society (AF-SRS) 2019 and he is certified in Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis management (SEAS).

As a lifelong learner, he continued his studies to earn his doctorate degree in Physical Therapy in 2021,with emphasis on executive leadership from the University of St. Augustine. In 2022 Dr. Ghandour was the recipient of the “Force for Good “award from the university of St. Augustine.

Dr. Ghandour has been teaching and sharing his passion to physical therapists and physicians since 1987. He taught many short-term courses as well as part time residency programs with the Ola Grimsby Institute. Short term courses include but not limited to: Dynamic Soft Tissue Mobilization; Cervical and Lumbar courses; The Athletic Shoulder; Lower Quarter Integration; Then Hip Joint - Orthopedic Manual Therapy Approach and Segmental Lumbar Stabilization Progression into Functional Mobility.


The Hip Joint Complex - Comprehensive Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Approach

This comprehensive, hands-on course takes an integrated approach to the hip joint, exploring anatomy, biomechanics, neurology, exercise physiology, and functional mobility. Participants will acquire practical skills rooted in scientific principles and evidence-based practices.

Advanced Manual Therapy and Functional Rehabilitation for Lumbar Spine Instability

This course focuses on identifying lumbar spine instability (ligamentous and muscular), assessing lower-quarter segmental mobility, and differentiating lumbopelvic and hip complex issues, including the "unhappy triad" of the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, and hip joint.

Dynamic Soft Tissue Mobilization - Functional Approach

This comprehensive, hands-on course  is popular due its immediate and relevant applicatition to patient with acute and chronic dysfunction. This course offers an integrated approach to understanding muscle fiber orientation, anatomy, biomechanics, neurophysiology, and functional mobility.
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